Articulo escrito por Maximiliano Morales, CEO & Luego de haber trabajado como advisor…
Startups will be able to search for Businesses globally thanks to Amix Tech

The AmixTech technology business platform ( announced this week that it implemented an exclusive service for Artificial Intelligence AI STARTUPS & entrepreneurs that are leading companies that will allow them to search for new businesses, clients, strategic partners and build collaboration networks globally.
Thanks to business and public relations consultant based in London, Fran Bridgewater FCIM the CEO of Amix Tech Lab, Max Morales, leader of Hub Texas Latam, the companies and startups that are looking for new clients and expand internationally, will be able to hire the coaching services or Business Development in targeted local markets.
The connection between people and their ecosystem where they live and interact (Urban, Nature, Ecology, Biochemistry, etc) are important to upscale new ideas and movements into the cities where companies will have access for businesses exploration are Austin, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, California, Santiago, Puerto Varas & Patagonia (Chile), Mexico City-Guadalajara-Monterrey and London, since there are local partners who will support the search, in addition to Max Morales who will personally lead the challenge of finding the market fit and subsequent client search process.
Credentials of Amix Tech Lab
As Agricultural Engineer, I have specialized in the last ten years as a Business Developer of startups and companies from Chile, Guatemala, Peru, the United States and Argentina, in addition to having created the bridge between Texas with Latin America to connect and scale businesses through softlanding in Miami, Texas, California.
AmixTech has a database with more than 10,000 users registered in the newsletter from the professional and technical segment (decision makers and stakeholders) of the AgTech, FoodTech, Movie Business, Fintech and ClimaTech sectors, with which the match search will be carried out.
At the other extreme, companies and communities that are looking for solutions around artificial intelligence have a gap that does not allow them to reach developers, which is why AmixTech will make the match to generate business.
I also worked as a strategic consultant for CORFO (Innovation Agency of the Chilean Government) and then manager of Nodo Estratégico Chile Vitivinícola 2.0 to face the challenges of hashtag climatechange and wine frontier extension among ancient vineyards in Chile.
More information or Whatsapp +569 3251 7848
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